Canvas - Running a Bulk Grade Passback

It may sometimes be necessary to re-send all your grades from Canvas to PowerSchool if your grades are not syncing correctly and one of the following situations applies:

  • You started teaching a second semester course

  • You have recently been assigned a course in the middle of the year

1. Log in to your Canvas

2. In the course that isn't syncing, follow the instructions here to reimport your PowerSchool gradebook assignment categories (link)

3. Once completed, click on the Monitoring and Reporting page. 

(If there is no Monitoring and Reporting page on your navigation menu, please review this article (link)

3. Click on the Sync tab

4. Click Submit under Run a bulk grade passback request for this course

5. Depending on when and how many grades need to be re-synced the process may take some time.