PowerSchool Admin Portal

1. Log into your PowerSchool Admin portal (link to PowerSchool Admin portal)

2. From the left side navigation menu, under Reports, click on sqlReports

3. Under Schools, select Student Credentials

4. If you have previously made a selection, choose Yes for the option 'Use currently selected students?'; otherwise choose No

5. If you want to include pre-registered students, choose Yes for the 'Include PreRegistered Students?'; otherwise choose No

6. Click Submit to run the report

PowerTeacher Portal

1. Log into your PowerTeacher portal (link to PowerTeacher portal)

2. From the left side navigation menu, under Reports, click on sqlReports

3. Click on Teachers to expand the category and select Student Roster with Credentials Credentials

4. You can print a report for each section that you teach

5. Click Submit to run the report